I can haz cat pictures?

by Nicki Clarkson

We all know that the reason the internet exists is to post cat pictures (oh, and access library resources of course…but mostly for cat pictures). So as an excuse to share some cute cat pictures here are some library cats from across the world.

Some of the images we can link to, but not post directly on the blog because it would breach copyright – if you want to know more about this, have a look at our post on Creative Commons licences.

This article has details of 10 cats who live at libraries (I like Ernie best), but perhaps the most famous library cat of all was Dewey Readmore Books, the resident cat at Spencer Public Library in Iowa. There is even a map of library cats across the world which includes, among other things, 35 permanent residents, one stuffed cheetah and one ghost cat.

Enough words, I hear you say, we want more pictures. Your wish is our command… ideas for captions welcomed!

Library Cat

(From fluffyavenger on Flickr under a CC BY-NC 2.0 licence)

Library cat

(From TLVshac on Flickr under a CC BY-NC 2.0 licence)

Emma the Lyme Public Library Cat

(From ealling on Flick under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 licence)

Cobweb the new library cat

…and finally, a library kitten:

insert catalog joke here

(From Klara Kim on Flickr under a CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 licence)

This post was inspired by a cat that looks like Chewbacca. The title of the post was inspired by the LOLcats meme.

I hope these pictures made you smile. What would you like us to blog about next?

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